The Thinking Traveller
The Thinking Traveller
Pompeii - New Excavations & The Latest Finds
Since the first official excavations in 1748, Pompeii has captured the popular imagination of the Western world, and there has never been a better time to visit with new finds still emerging in the current excavations.
Much of the site, which for many years was closed to the public, is now accessible and some of the new impressive finds can be viewed in situ or in the newly re-opened museum on site.
In this episode, we are joined by Dr Estelle Lazer who has worked on the human remains of the Pompeian victims since 1986. Her current project involves a non-invasive study of all the casts of the victims that have been produced since 1863, using X-ray and CT scan analysis.
Estelle discusses some of the new excavations underway, along with new discoveries being unearthed on this amazing site, including a recent fresco find that just might be the precursor to pizza!
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